We went to the river a couple of weekends ago. It was extremely hot, and both Kristin and I got sunburns. Of course we remembered to lather up the kids with sunscreen, but managed to overlook ourselves. Anyway, we took it pretty easy on Saturday, just enjoying the water and the refreshing "drinks". After dinner, Poppy and Brady went down to the dock to try their luck at fishing. Since we just put the dock out a few weeks prior, we were skeptical there would be any activity. Up to this point, both Brady and Tyler have been "fishing" with fake hooks. They have both more than caught their limit of "tree-fish". I'm surprised the game warden hasn't revoked their license. I have to admit they have gotten pretty good at casting and reeling in. Tyler is dead accurate. He can cast his line and hit ME regardless of where, or how far away, I stand. It has become a game for him. Lucky me. :) Anyway, Poppy decided it was time for Brady to try his hand at some real fishing. He fixed him up with a small hook and a fake grub and let him go to work. Not minutes later, Brady is reeling in his first fish. I suppose it was fitting that Brady caught his first fish with Poppy as I caught my first fish with my Grandpa. Up to the camper he runs asking for a Ziploc. Next thing we know, he has him a whopper of a fish.
Needless to say, he was pretty excited.
Since we had no plans of feasting on this succulent river creature, it was time to implement the catch and release policy. As the bag was opened and poured back in to the river, the fish relinquished his "play dead" act and swam off quickly. As I was not down there when it all happened, I grabbed my gear confident that we were gonna catch us some fish tonight. However, that was the ONLY fish in the river, I swear. I guess the less we catch today means there will be more for us to catch another weekend.
On Sunday, we sort of kicked it in to gear. Poppy got the ball rolling by leveling out a pile of dirt.
He had lots of help... :)
Kaden decided to make some minor adjustments. Rock placement is crucial when your feet are that tiny.

We finished off the day by scrubbing and oiling the dock. I can't wait to get back out there. This weekend is the Poker Paddle. If time permits I hope to make it up to watch. Maybe next year we will participate.